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    Donate Now To Help Our Kids Learn That They Are ABLE!

    Your donation goes directly to developing happy, healthy, and independent kids who use wheelchairs. ABLE Youth, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and is funded through the generous tax-deductible contributions of individuals, private and family foundations, businesses, and civic organizations.

    Donations by Credit Card through Giving Matters:
    ABLE Youth accepts donations by credit card through the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. Use the form below to give through Giving Matters, a project of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. We accept Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express and Diners Club.

    Donations by Check or Money Order:
    To make a donation by mail, please send your check made payable to “ABLE Youth” to:

    ABLE Youth
    2000 Mallory Lane
    Suite 130-542
    Franklin, TN 37067-8231

    Donations through United Way:

    You can also contribute to ABLE Youth through United Way. During the next United Way pledge drive at your place of employment, please consider including ABLE Youth as your designated recipient for all or part of your United Way contribution. ABLE Youth’s United Way designation number is 3604. Please note ABLE Youth on the donation.

    A.B.L.E. Youth, Inc.

    Donations through Venmo: @ABLE Youth